The Glen

Wellness Center

The Glen Wellness Center offers a safe and inclusive space  to the Glendale High School community.  The center is open Monday- Friday at snack, Monday-Thursday at lunch and will offer Glen Wellness Passes for Restorative Practices and stress management. Check The Glen Wellness Google calendar for up-to-date information on special events, SEL resources and unique activities like Wellness Workshops.

 Community Space

Restorative Practices

Wellness Workshops

Glendale High School teachers, counselors, administrators and students can request The Glen Pass for Stress Management or Restorative Practices. Upon approval, passes are issued from 10:45-2:30 Monday-Friday. 

Ms. Stafford, The Glen Wellness Center Coordinator and Restorative Practices Coach, can be reached via email at - or simply drop by the center.  

Come visit Maya the Therapy Dog at Lunch on Wednesdays!