What is the LCAP?
The LCAP is our district’s strategic plan. It contains our goals and specific actions we will take to achieve these goals.
The LCAP addresses the needs of all students, including specific student groups. All districts must specifically address how they will support English learners, students with special needs, unhoused/ foster youth, and low-income students.
In addition, the LCAP must address the state of California's eight priority areas that include student academic achievement, school climate, student access to a broad curriculum, and family engagement. School districts may also identify their own local priorities. The district’s spending plan aligns with these academic priorities.
How to Get Involved
We encourage students, families, employees, and community members to provide their input and feedback as we update our strategic plans each year.
What is the DELAC?
The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) advises the district's local governing board on programs and services for English Learner (EL) students.